このトピックには56件の返信が含まれ、2人の参加者がいます。4 年、 3 ヶ月前に tachikomamesse さんが最後の更新を行いました。
予定を組んだりする時や雑談などにご活用下さい。 -
皆さんと一緒に戦えることを楽しみしております~ヽ(´▽`)/ -
よろしくお願いします! -
今現在、iPhoneではデジリンにログインできない事象が発生中みたいですね( ´Д`)
よろしくお願いします。 -
タチコマさんは Multimedia/IT 達人ですが?すごい! -
皆ん日本語で返事はOKです! -
自由に使って下さい(´∀`*) -
ミハエルThank you so much!
Uptill now how many tamers will join our campaign? -
ミハエルI would like to make a name list
ミハエルI am talking to ST and TM ~
I think there is no necessary to have 6 people of a team,
but【X抗体】have 6 tamers join the battle now.
Sorry for misunderstanding. There is no restrict in the number of tamers (^^) -
ミハエルI suggest all tamers would match with the others once.
Then the tamer who has the highest winning rate will be the Individual Champion.
The team who has the highest winning rate will be the Team Champion.
And there is no restriction in our Digimon party.
Any suggestions please feel free to discuss (^^) -
oh! I see!
And, I agree your suggestionsヽ(´▽`)/I’d like to summarize the key points.
(1)There is no restriction in the number of tamers.
(2)All tamers would match with the others once.
(3)There is no restriction in our Digimon party.But, I have one question.
Is this battle Team vs. Team? or individual match? -
ミハエルタチコマさん -> Thanks for your question ~
I think there would be two types of Champion (Individual Champion & Team Champion).
Tamer who win the most will be the Individual Champion.
For Team Champion, it maybe a little bit complicate to explain…
Later I will send a demo chart to タチコマさん and センチネルさん in Twitter (^^) -
ご意見があれば気軽に教えてください???? pic.twitter.com/aIYs2WbkzZ— ミハミハヒバリ@デジモンリンクス (@mihaeruhibari) October 1, 2017
タチコマさん、手伝ってくれてありがとうございます(^ ^) -
【TM勢】MiyaviMiyaviです!よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
ミハエルさん >
I have a question.
I always do streaming of games on YouTube.
So, I’d like to record of battle.
May I record and stream that? -
よろしくお願いします! -
ミハエルタチコマさん >
Of Course ! Thank you so much !
Actually I am thinking how can we record our battle…
Becasue there is no Youtuber in【X抗体】.
It would be a great help ! (ノ>ω<)ノ -
ヽ(∀゚ )人(゚∀゚)人( ゚∀)人(∀゚ )人 -
Thank you of permittingヽ(´▽`)/
I will record it!But, one problem…
I can record only that battle of someone and me(´д`)
So, I can’t record all battles…Plan of resolve
1)Using “OPTiM Cafe”
#good point
It’s able to share of smartphone screen.
#bad point
This application can’t capture of sound.
And, free version is only 15 minutes.2)Using “Skype”
#good point
connection is so good.
#bad point
It can’t share smartphone screen. only PC.3)Using “LINE”
#good point
It’s so perfect sharing!
#bad point
Currently, supplying only Android…-
この返信は7 年、 4 ヶ月前に
Tachikoma さんが編集しました。
この返信は7 年、 4 ヶ月前に
WOW it’s fantastic! Thanks for your suggestions!
Yes there is a problem for us to have all the recording…
Especially if we want to have a live share.Plan 1)
It seems impossible to finish all the battles in 15 min…
What if we used [YouTube Gaming] and Skype at the same time?
We can use [YouTube Gaming] to share the live video on Youtube first,
then タチコマさん use Skype to share your PC’s screen on your channel ?
#bad point
Participants must have a Youtube AccountPlan3)
Some of our members are using iPhone, so it seems difficult for us to collect all the recordings
Finally I would like to ask,
Is タチコマさん want to have live recording ?
or just simple video recording after we finish all the battles?
Many thanks! (^_^) -
Seems there is no necesssary for all of us be able to share the video?Maybe we can get all the recording even though just half of us can do the record?
Sorry my Maths is not very good (=v=)
If yes, Plan 3 may workable…? -
Thanks a lot(´∀`*)If possible, I want to have live recording.
Because, live recording is able to chat everybody.Plan 1 need application (free version) one by one.
But, if using plan 1, My live streaming channel is like following
Plan 2, I can do that.
but, all people have to make account, humm…Plan 3, our team too… some of member using iPhone.
and, you’re right.
but, it depends on how many users by Android. -
Many thanks!
Plan 1,
I think the screen is okay, but this method can’t capture sound?
So how can we chat if we use OPTiM? Or just keyboard chatting?Plan 2,
I feel sorry as just find Youtube Gaming only accept Android 5.0> or IOS,Plan 3,
This may be the best way if we had enough Android users.
Perheps we should confirm who will join the battle first?
( name list > timetable > record plan )Uptill now my team have 6 members (including me) confirm to join,
at least 4 of them using Android. How about タチコマさん and センチネルさん? -
ミハエルタチコマさん (#845)>
Oh! I have just seen your comment (^^)
So Plan 1 is perfect if all of us use the free 15min version one by one?
I will ask my members to try it ! -
I feel good Plan 1(´∀`)
But, this method can’t capture sound.
So, if we need to chat, please use that my streaming page is opening by YouTube.
And, please asking your members(^o^) -
ミハエルタチコマさん >
Thanks for your great support!
I had tried the app with my members, but some of them is using Android 5 below, so they cannnot use the app. I feel sorry that we may not be able to keep all of the records…
What do you think? -
but, if ST and TM can use the app, we can record our side.
So, your team will reflect with us.
Anyway, we need to check that other android users are able to use the app.And, we need to consider to precaution in other way.
Please check plan 3 whether or not your android users can use it.
Plan 3 is like following:
この返信は7 年、 4 ヶ月前に
Tachikoma さんが編集しました。
この返信は7 年、 4 ヶ月前に
ミハエルタチコマさん >
Thank you so much!
I am trying hard with my members to solve the problem..
as they don’t have Line, how about I collect the offline video recording of them,
and send to タチコマさん and センチネルさん afterward?
Becasue I wonder if we can finish all the battles in one day, maybe we can finish all the offline recording in the first day, then share those videos at the second live show? -
Thank you for all!Actually, I think so..(´д`)
To speak of extremes, I’m OK that if I record only TM team.All recording is my selfish(´・ω・`)
Please don’t strain yourself too much.And, I agree your suggestions(^o^)
ミハエルタチコマさん >
(I’m OK that if I record only TM team.)>
TM達だけではない、だから安心してください!ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚(All recording is my selfish(´・ω・`))>
(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))(And, I agree your suggestions(^o^))>
どう思いますか? -
ミハエルさんが理解ある優しい方で嬉しいです(*´ω`*)I will make participant list and order of fighting!
About tool, probably TM team use OPTiM.
So, I will upload how to use OPTiM video.
If your team use it, please refer my video. -
ミハエルタチコマさん >
タチコマさんも優しい方です!ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚Okay~I will wait for your video. (^^)
Am I need to submit X抗’s name list to you first?
As some of them still not comfirm -
But my English is not well, so please forgive me m(_ _)mI just need order.
So, If you make time table, I want to get final version time table.And, We still don’t determine members.
Please wait one day. -
ミハエルタチコマさん >
Your English is not bad, at least better than my Japanese m(_ _)m.
We can understand with each other in English.Okay~I will ask my members for the available time.
Time matching will be a complicate work,
please feel free to let me know if you have any difficulties (^^) -
Thank you so much!
You are so kind(´∀`*)OK! If I have difficulties, I ask you(^q^)
SENTINEL皆さんこんばんはm(_ _)m
ST軍リーダーのSENTINELと申します!今回コラボ模擬戦のお誘いありがとうございます、そして宜しくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
楽しい試合にしましょう(^ ^)
SENTINEL<p style=”text-align: left;”>こちらのメンバー選出なのですが4人の参加になります!</p>
【ST】SENTINEL、SP、ピンコ、凡骨この4人のエントリーになりますTM勢、X抗体の皆様僕のメンバーをどうか宜しくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
floreyみなさん 初めまして
TM勢のfloreyです^ ^
よろしくお願いします。 -
Everyone, nice to meet you is the ogre of the TM force.
Thank you for your consideration ~ (* ^ _ ^ *)
楽しみにしていましねヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚ -
Twitterで送り出す、ご参照ください〜 -
よろしくお願いしますヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚ -
すみませぬ…ここの掲示板に絵文字とHTMLはセキュリティ上の問題で使えず(´д`) -
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